Asokan Ashok


Our company UnfoldLabs has been listed as “An Innovative and Leading Technology and CX Solutions Provider” by The Fortune Leader.

UnfoldLabs is selected as the Best Technology & CX Solutions Provider 2024” “winner - California - Global Excellence Awards by Acquisition International (AI).

Proud to be recognized and honored among the by Thinkers360 “Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Entrepreneurship 2023" by Thinkers360.

Thank you for featuring me in “Asokan Ashok: Unfolding a New Era in Mobile Technology." It's an honor to share how turning feedback into a blueprint has contributed to our success. Explore the feature here: Asokan Ashok: Unfolding a New Era in Mobile Technology

Thrilled and grateful for the prestigious recognition from “Business Foster Magazine!" This honor underscores the dedication and contribution to the business landscape, inspires to continue striving for excellence.

Thank you for being part of EP 354 - Maximizing Business Potential: Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age. Explore the insightful discussion on YouTube: Watch here

Incredible privilege of speaking to the bright minds at “California State University San Marcos" about the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare industry.

Delighted to be acknowledged as one of the “Top 50 Global Thought Leaders on CRM 2023" by Thinkers360.

Honored & humbled to be selected as one of the “Top 50 Global Thought Leaders & Influencers on Design Thinking" by Thinkers360

Delighted to be recognised as “Top 100 Thought Leaders on Technology to Follow in 2022” by The Awards Magazine.

An absolute delight to be awarded as the “The 10 Most Influential Business Leaders in Tech” by Tycoon Success.

Humbled & Honored to be recognized as one of the “Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on CRM 2022” by Thinkers360.

Truly honored to be recognised as “Top Significant Leaders of the Year 2022” by CIOToday.

Truly honored to be awarded by PrimeView as “The 10 Fastest Growing Companies in 2022”

Truly honoured to be recognised as "Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on AR/VR" by Thinkers360.


Honoured as "Top Cyber Security Influencer " – NodeXL.

Keynote on "AI Trends in Telecom" organized by the Plug and Play Enterprise Tech.

Grateful for the award as the "World’s 10 Most Successful Entrepreneurs Making a Difference 2021" from World Leaders Magazine.

Recognized for Excellence in Technology by Marquis Who's Who .

Fourth One!! Thinkers360 recognised Asokan Ashok as "Top 50 Global Thought Leaders on Entrepreneurship".

What are the most important #SoftwareEngineeringSkills in 2021? Asokan Ashok's takeaway on "Seven Important Software Engineering Skills In 2021" published on Forbes.

Thinkers360 featured Asokan Ashok as one of the "Top 50 Global Thought Leaders on CRM" by Thinkers360.

Humbled & Honored to be recognized as one of the "Top 50 Global Thought Leaders & Influencers on Startups!" by Thinkers360.

An absolute delight to be included in the "Top 50 Global Thought Leaders on AR/ VR" by Thinkers360.

“Ashok is humbled and honored to be mentioned by Onalytica in the “Top 100 Influencers in RPA/Robotics”   – as the Influential Voices & Brands in the “Who’s Who in RPA”.

“Nine Architectural Principles To Consider Before Building An IoT Platform” – check Asokan Ashok’s article via Forbes.

What are the Ways to Begin Your Programmer Search? Check amazing thoughts from Ashok and other tech leaders via Forbes.

How an Engineer became an Executive and CEO without an MBA? Check Ashok’s podcast with TechClub.

Asokan Ashok is honored as “Top 100 Global Thought Leaders & Influencers to Follow” by The Awards Magazine.

Asokan Ashok is featured on Forbes for sharing thoughts on Low-Cost, High-Impact Tech Initiatives to Boost Productivity. Check complete article here

What Can AI do for Humans? How Innovative AI Solutions Can Help Combat Global Warming? Ashok’s article is featured on Forbes – check complete article here

Ashok shared his thoughts on Facial Recognition Technology for Forbes. Check complete article here

Asokan Ashok is featured on Forbes for sharing amazing thoughts on Q4 Tech Leaders plans. Check complete article here

Industry Era recognised Asokan Ashok as Best Successful CEO's of 2020

Ashok’s thoughts on Data Privacy Laws featured on Forbes. Check complete article here

Honored for being awarded as “Entrepreneur of the Year” in the 17th Annual International Business Awards powered by Stevie Awards. Check complete details here

“Top 7 Coolest Technology Innovations Inspired by Nature” – Ashok’s thoughts on the combination of technology innovations and nature are published on Forbes. Check complete article here

Ashok's amazing writing on "Leading With Humanity: Six Traits For Successful Leadership" is published on Forbes. Check complete article here

Ashok’s extensive support and accomplished efforts resulted SoftClouds to get listed one among "20 Visionary Companies to Watch in 2020” by Insights Success.

Asokan is considered as one of the top Artificial Intelligence (AI) influencers in 2019 by TechMeLife - Take a minute to read comments here

"Smart Cities 2025" - An article by Featured Blogger Asokan Ashok @

Asokan was nominated as "The Best Technology Leader 2019" by Top Tech Awards. The original copy of the article can be found here and the local copy can be found here {}

Once again Forbes published an article written by Asokan on "Five Reasons Why IoT Is Not Ready For Prime Time" and the article can be found here {}

Forbes published an article inscribed by Asokan on "Four Trends in Cloud Computing CIOs Should Prepare For In 2019"  and the article can be found here  {}

Asokan was selected as one of the "10 Most Innovative Business Leaders To Watch" in 2018 by Insights Success Magazine.   {}

Asokan spoke about the world of Artificial Intelligence and major trends to look forward to in 2018 – and the details are here

Asokan spoke about the Walgreens Developer Program & the Photo Prints API on the launch of UnfoldPrints, an android application that makes the task of printing pictures easier – Walgreens covered the press release here

Asokan spoke as UnfoldLabs was selected as a winner in Fierce Innovation Awards 2017 in the category of Cloud Services – and the press covered the statement here

Asokan talks about Delays in delivery of hot gadgets from big tech firms here

Where there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved - This is the mantra for Asokan Ashok. To take a sneak peak into Ashok's life at SoftClouds here

Asokan Ashok spoke for SoftClouds Take on the Future at MCX 2017, and the video are here

Asokan's views as RedGreen, UnfoldLabs first Mobile Application, was chosen as one of the finalists for the 10th Annual Emerging Technology (E-Tech) Awards at CTIA Super Mobility 2016 here

Asokan Spoke on the Keynote panel at IEEE Cloud Computing Conference, and the videos are here

Asokan's views on NFC & Secure Element covered by NFC Times are covered here

Asokan Spoke on a Panel at the VentureBeat 2011 – Mobile Summit on HTML5 vs Native – and the panel has been covered by the press here

Asokan Spoke at the Inside SocialApps Conference Jan 2011 – and the video is covered here

Asokan Spoke at the Plug n Play Center 2010 on Break Through Innovation

Asokan Spoke at the Verizon Developer Conference 2010

Asokan Spoke at the MobileBeat 2010 Conference, Jul 12, 2010 - on "Who Owns the User"

Asokan Spoke at the Qualcomm UplinQ 2010 Conference

Asokan's did an Interview with Dr. Dobbs – and the details are covered here

Asokan did a presentation at Smartphone Show on "Top 10 Tips for mobile application development"

Video of Asokan's Presentation at Handsets Forum USA Conference can be found here

Thrilled to be recognized by The Fortune Leader as one of the “Top 10 Pioneering Business Leaders to Follow in 2024”!

Grateful to be acknowledged as one of Asia’s Most Innovative Leaders to Watch in 2024 by HumansOfGlobe!

Honoured to be named one of the 20 Elite CEOs of 2024 by TheEliteX.

Humbled and proud to be named a SDBJ Leader of Influence in Technology 2024 by the San Diego Business Journal!

MySecureME, our cutting-edge Mobile Device Management Platform, has clinched the Gold Winner title at the prestigious Merit Awards 2024! check out here “”

UnfoldLabs has been recognized as “Best Technology & CX Solutions Provider 2024” winner - California - Global Excellence Awards by Acquisition International (AI). check out here “”

UnfoldLabs product KidSecure – Digital Parenting Control Application has been selected as “Popular App” by “ThePopularApps”. check out here “ ”

Grateful for the recognition and thank you PerceptivX for featuring UnfoldLabs as an innovation-driven technology company in San Diego and highlighting our contributions and innovations, check out our full article here “ ”
Grateful and privileged to have been chosen as the “Most Innovative Product Development Company 2023 - California” by Acquisition International.

UnfoldLabs is delighted to be selected for the “Corporate Excellence Awards 2023” by Corporate Vision

The “2023 Telecom/Wireless/Mobile Awards” have chosen our innovative Android Kiosk solution, 'SecureME', as the gold winner in the Apps category.

UnfoldLabs was recognized and added to the list of “Top IT Services Companies in San Diego” by DesignRush.

DesignRush recognized and ranked UnfoldLabs as the “Top California Software Development Companies”

UnfoldLabs product SecureME has been selected as “2023 Telecom/ Wireless/ Mobile Awards”. by Gold Winner under Apps category

UnfoldLabs has been recognised as “The 10 Fastest Growing Companies in 2022” by the leading magazine organization PrimeView.

UnfoldLabs Inc. is excited to be selected as one of the “25 Innovative Companies to Watch” by The Chief Guest. Check interview here

UnfoldLabs Inc. is honored for being featured as “The Industry Disruptors Redefining Innovation-2021” by CIOLook, a Global Business Innovation Authority & Platform.

Glad to be a part of the team in achieving “The Most Admired Companies of the Year 2020” by the Enterprise World Magazine. Check interview here

Very glad that UnfoldLabs has been selected for the “20+ San Diego Companies to Watch in 2020” by SanDiego Bootcamps. Take a minute to read more information here

"UnfoldLabs is Unfolding Technology & Innovations" says Insights Success - Take a moment to read out the information here  {}

UnfoldLabs has been selected as one of the "Top 30 Most Innovative Companies in the United States". Take a moment to check out what all UnfoldLabs has to offer here  {}

SecureME has been featured as "App of the Day". Checkout what Asokan Ashok, CEO – UnfoldLabs, has to say about the journey of building this fantastic app here  {}

The very first product of UnfoldLabs - "RedGreen", has been shortlisted as a "Finalist for Fierce Innovation Awards 2018". Take a moment to check it out here  {}

UnfoldLabs was elected as the "30 Most Innovative Companies 2018"  by CIO Bulletin. Read what Asokan has to say about his sojourn from Ideation to Innovation here  {}

Another milestone knocked out by RedGreen. It is selected as one of the popular application by "".  Take a moment to check it out here {}

UnfoldLabs was selected as one of the "Top 10 Best Mobility Companies 2018". Read on what Asokan has to say about the changing technology trends and how organizations can align with the new waves here  {}

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